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Alternative dispute resolution in cross-border cases

If you encountered any problems in buying online from a vendor in another EU-country, and you are seeking assistance and information, you can contact the European Consumer Centre Italy, office Bolzano:

European Consumer Centre (ECC) Italy - Bolzano office
via Brennero 3
I-39100 Bolzano
tel. +39-0471-980939
fax +39-0471-980239
e-mail: info@euroconsumatori.org
web: www.euroconsumatori.org

If you would like to carry out the procedure of „Conciliareonline.it/Onlineschlichter.it“ in English, please also contact the European Consumer Centre. The advisers will help you in filling in the complaint, which at the moment can be presented either in German or in Italian. If you choose to carry out the procedure in English, all communications as well as the proposal of solution will be redacted in English.

We will soon adapt our system, and you will then be able to present the complaints directly in English.

Further information on cross-border alternative dispute resolution can also be found on the website of the European Consumer Centre Italy, office Bolzano, member in the network of European Consumer Centres ECC-net.


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Der Onlineschlichter ist bei der Verbraucherzentrale Südtirol angesiedelt. Weitere Informationen hier.


Die Schlichtung setzt eine Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Parteien voraus. Bevor Sie uns Ihren Fall übergeben, bitten wir Sie, dies aufmerksam durchzulesen.